<PackageReference Include="NJsonSchema" Version="9.9.2" />


A base class for describing a JSON schema.
public static string ToolchainVersion { get; }

Gets the NJsonSchema toolchain version.

Gets all properties of this schema (i.e. all direct properties and properties from the schemas in allOf which do not have a type).

public virtual JsonSchema4 ActualSchema { get; }

Gets the actual schema, either this or the referenced schema.

public JsonSchema4 AdditionalItemsSchema { get; set; }

Gets or sets the schema for the additional items.

Gets or sets the schema for the additional properties.

Gets the list of all inherited/parent schemas.

public ICollection<JsonSchema4> AllOf { get; }

Gets the collection of schemas where each schema must be valid.

public bool AllowAdditionalItems { get; set; }

Gets or sets a value indicating whether additional items are allowed (default: true).

public bool AllowAdditionalProperties { get; set; }

Gets or sets a value indicating whether additional properties are allowed (default: true).

public ICollection<JsonSchema4> AnyOf { get; }

Gets the collection of schemas where at least one must be valid.

public string BaseDiscriminator { get; }

Gets the discriminator or discriminator of an inherited schema (or null).

public object Default { get; set; }

Gets or sets the default value.

public IDictionary<string, JsonSchema4> Definitions { get; }

Gets the other schema definitions of this schema.

public string Description { get; set; }

Gets or sets the description.

public string Discriminator { get; set; }

Gets or sets the discriminator (used in Swagger schemas).

public ICollection<object> Enumeration { get; }

Gets the collection of required properties.

public Collection<string> EnumerationNames { get; set; }

Gets or sets the enumeration names (optional, draft v5).

public Collection<string> EnumerationNamesRaw { get; set; }

Gets or sets the enumeration names (optional, draft v5).

public IDictionary<string, object> ExtensionData { get; set; }

Gets or sets the extension data (i.e. additional properties which are not directly defined by JSON Schema).

public string Format { get; set; }

Gets or sets the format string.

public bool HasAllOfSchemaReference { get; }

Gets a value indicating whether this is an allOf schema reference.

public bool HasReference { get; }

Gets a value indicating whether this is a schema reference ($ref or HasAllOfSchemaReference).

public bool HasSchemaReference { get; }

Gets a value indicating whether this is a schema reference ($ref or HasAllOfSchemaReference).

public string Id { get; set; }

Gets or sets the id.

public JsonSchema4 InheritedSchema { get; }

Gets the inherited/parent schema (most probable base schema in allOf).

public bool IsAnyType { get; }

Gets a value indicating whether this is any type (e.g. any in TypeScript or object in CSharp).

public bool IsArray { get; }

Gets a value indicating whether the schema represents an array type (an array where each item has the same type).

public bool IsDictionary { get; }

Gets a value indicating whether the schema represents a dictionary type (no properties and AdditionalProperties contains a schema).

public bool IsEnumeration { get; }

Gets a value indicating whether this is enumeration.

public bool IsExclusiveMaximum { get; set; }

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the maximum value is excluded.

public bool IsExclusiveMinimum { get; set; }

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the minimum value is excluded.

public bool IsTuple { get; }

Gets a value indicating whether the schema represents an tuple type (an array where each item may have a different type).

public JsonSchema4 Item { get; set; }

Gets or sets the schema of an array item.

public ICollection<JsonSchema4> Items { get; }

Gets or sets the schemas of the array's tuple values.

public decimal? Maximum { get; set; }

Gets or sets the maximum allowed value.

public int MaxItems { get; set; }

Gets or sets the maximum length of the array.

public int? MaxLength { get; set; }

Gets or sets the maximum length of the value string.

public int MaxProperties { get; set; }

Gets or sets the maximal number of allowed properties in an object.

public decimal? Minimum { get; set; }

Gets or sets the minimum allowed value.

public int MinItems { get; set; }

Gets or sets the minimum length of the array.

public int? MinLength { get; set; }

Gets or sets the minimum length of the value string.

public int MinProperties { get; set; }

Gets or sets the minimal number of allowed properties in an object.

public decimal? MultipleOf { get; set; }

Gets or sets the required multiple of for the number value.

public JsonSchema4 Not { get; set; }

Gets or sets the schema which must not be valid.

public ICollection<JsonSchema4> OneOf { get; }

Gets the collection of schemas where exactly one must be valid.

public virtual object Parent { get; set; }

Gets the parent schema of this schema.

public JsonSchema4 ParentSchema { get; }

Gets the parent schema of this schema.

public string Pattern { get; set; }

Gets or sets the validation pattern as regular expression.

public IDictionary<string, JsonSchema4> PatternProperties { get; }

Gets the pattern properties of the type.

public IDictionary<string, JsonProperty> Properties { get; }

Gets the properties of the type.

public ICollection<string> RequiredProperties { get; }

Gets the collection of required properties.

public JsonSchema4 SchemaReference { get; set; }

Gets or sets the type reference.

public string SchemaVersion { get; set; }

Gets or sets the schema.

public string Title { get; set; }

Gets or sets the title.

public JsonObjectType Type { get; set; }

Gets the object types (as enum flags).

public bool UniqueItems { get; set; }

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the items in the array must be unique.

public JsonXmlObject Xml { get; set; }

Gets the xml object of the schema (used in Swagger specifications).

public JsonSchema4()

Initializes a new instance of the JsonSchema4 class.

public static JsonSchema4 CreateAnySchema()

Creates a schema which matches any data.

public static TSchemaType CreateAnySchema<TSchemaType>() where TSchemaType : JsonSchema4

Creates a schema which matches any data.

public static Task<JsonSchema4> FromFileAsync(string filePath)

Loads a JSON Schema from a given file path (only available in .NET 4.x).

public static Task<JsonSchema4> FromFileAsync(string filePath, Func<JsonSchema4, JsonReferenceResolver> referenceResolverFactory)

Loads a JSON Schema from a given file path (only available in .NET 4.x).

public static Task<JsonSchema4> FromJsonAsync(string data)

Deserializes a JSON string to a JsonSchema4.

public static Task<JsonSchema4> FromJsonAsync(string data, string documentPath)

Deserializes a JSON string to a JsonSchema4.

public static Task<JsonSchema4> FromJsonAsync(string data, string documentPath, Func<JsonSchema4, JsonReferenceResolver> referenceResolverFactory)

Deserializes a JSON string to a JsonSchema4.

public static JsonSchema4 FromSampleJson(string data)

Creates a JsonSchema4 from sample JSON data.

public static Task<JsonSchema4> FromTypeAsync<TType>()

Creates a JsonSchema4 from a given type.

public static Task<JsonSchema4> FromTypeAsync(Type type)

Creates a JsonSchema4 from a given type.

Creates a JsonSchema4 from a given type.

Creates a JsonSchema4 from a given type.

public static Task<JsonSchema4> FromUrlAsync(string url)

Loads a JSON Schema from a given URL (only available in .NET 4.x).

public static Task<JsonSchema4> FromUrlAsync(string url, Func<JsonSchema4, JsonReferenceResolver> referenceResolverFactory)

Loads a JSON Schema from a given URL (only available in .NET 4.x).

public bool Inherits(JsonSchema4 schema)

Determines whether the given schema is the parent schema of this schema (i.e. super/base class).

public bool InheritsSchema(JsonSchema4 parentSchema)

Gets a value indicating whether this schema inherits from the given parent schema.

public virtual bool IsNullable(SchemaType schemaType)

Gets a value indicating whether the validated data can be null.

public string ToJson()

Serializes the JsonSchema4 to a JSON string.

public ICollection<ValidationError> Validate(string jsonData)

Validates the given JSON data against this schema.

Validates the given JSON token against this schema.