<PackageReference Include="NJsonSchema" Version="9.10.52" />


public static class JsonSchemaReferenceUtilities
Provides utilities to resolve and set JSON schema references.
public static string ConvertJsonReferences(string data)

Converts JSON references ($ref) to property references.

public static string ConvertPropertyReferences(string data)

Converts property references to JSON references ($ref).

public static void UpdateSchemaReferencePaths(object rootObject)

Updates the Reference properties from the available Reference properties with inlining external references.

public static void UpdateSchemaReferencePaths(object rootObject, bool removeExternalReferences, IContractResolver contractResolver)

Updates the Reference properties from the available Reference properties.

public static Task UpdateSchemaReferencesAsync(object rootObject, JsonReferenceResolver referenceResolver)

Updates all Reference properties from the available Reference properties.

public static Task UpdateSchemaReferencesAsync(object rootObject, JsonReferenceResolver referenceResolver, IContractResolver contractResolver)

Updates all Reference properties from the available Reference properties.