<PackageReference Include="NJsonSchema" Version="9.10.44" />


The default reflection service implementation.

public virtual JsonTypeDescription GetDescription(Type type, IEnumerable<Attribute> parentAttributes, JsonSchemaGeneratorSettings settings)

Creates a JsonTypeDescription from a Type.

protected virtual bool IsArrayType(Type type, IEnumerable<Attribute> parentAttributes)

Checks whether the given type is an array type.

protected virtual bool IsDictionaryType(Type type, IEnumerable<Attribute> parentAttributes)

Checks whether the given type is a dictionary type.

protected virtual bool IsFileType(Type type, IEnumerable<Attribute> parentAttributes)

Checks whether the given type is a file type.

public virtual bool IsNullable(Type type, IEnumerable<Attribute> parentAttributes, JsonSchemaGeneratorSettings settings)

Checks whether a type is nullable.