<PackageReference Include="Castle.Core" Version="3.1.0-RC" />


Namespace with 85 public types


 BindingList`1 Provides a generic collection that supports data binding.
 ComponentAttribute Identifies a property should be represented as a nested component.
 DefaultPropertyGetter Manages conversion between property values.
 DictionaryAdapterAttribute Identifies the dictionary adapter types.
 DictionaryAdapterFactory Uses Reflection.Emit to expose the properties of a dictionary through a dynamic implementation of a typed interface.
 FetchAttribute Identifies an interface or property to be pre-fetched.
 GroupAttribute Assigns a property to a group.
 IfExistsAttribute Suppresses any on-demand behaviors.
 KeyAttribute Assigns a specific dictionary key.
 KeyPrefixAttribute Assigns a prefix to the keyed properties of an interface.
 KeySubstitutionAttribute Substitutes part of key with another string.
 MultiLevelEditAttribute Requests support for multi-level editing.
 NewGuidAttribute Generates a new GUID on demand.
 OnDemandAttribute Support for on-demand value resolution.
 PropertyDescriptor Describes a dictionary property.
 ReferenceAttribute Specifies assignment by reference rather than by copying.
 RemoveIfAttribute Removes a property if matches value.
 RemoveIfEmptyAttribute Removes a property if null or empty string, guid or collection.
 StringFormatAttribute Provides simple string formatting from existing properties.
 StringListAttribute Identifies a property should be represented as a delimited string value.
 StringValuesAttribute Converts all properties to strings.
 SuppressNotificationsAttribute Suppress property change notifications.
 TypeKeyPrefixAttribute Assigns a prefix to the keyed properties using the interface name.
 VolatileAttribute Indicates that underlying values are changeable and should not be cached.

Static Classes


Abstract Classes

 AbstractDictionaryAdapter Abstract adapter for the support needed by the
 AbstractDictionaryAdapterVisitor Abstract implementation of .
 DictionaryBehaviorAttribute Assigns a specific dictionary key.


 ICondition Contract for value matching.
 IDictionaryAdapter Contract for manipulating the Dictionary adapter.
 IDictionaryAdapterFactory Defines the contract for building typed dictionary adapters.
 IDictionaryAdapterVisitor Conract for traversing a .
 IDictionaryBehavior Defines the contract for customizing dictionary access.
 IDictionaryBehaviorBuilder Defines the contract for building s.
 IDictionaryCreate Contract for creating additional Dictionary adapters.
 IDictionaryEdit Contract for editing the Dictionary adapter.
 IDictionaryInitializer Contract for dictionary initialization.
 IDictionaryKeyBuilder Defines the contract for building typed dictionary keys.
 IDictionaryMetaInitializer Contract for dictionary meta-data initialization.
 IDictionaryNotify Contract for managing Dictionary adapter notifications.
 IDictionaryPropertyGetter Defines the contract for retrieving dictionary values.
 IDictionaryPropertySetter Defines the contract for updating dictionary values.
 IDictionaryValidate Contract for validating Dictionary adapter.
 IDictionaryValidator Contract for dictionary validation.
 IDynamicValue Contract for dynamic value resolution.
 IDynamicValue`1 Contract for typed dynamic value resolution.
 IPropertyDescriptorInitializer Contract for property descriptor initialization.