<PackageReference Include="castle.core" Version="2.5.2" />


Namespace with 25 public types


 CacheMappingsAttribute Applied to the assemblies saved by in order to persist the cache data included in the persisted assembly.
 DefaultProxyBuilder Default implementation of interface producing in-memory proxy assemblies.
 ModuleScope Summary description for ModuleScope.
 PersistentProxyBuilder ProxyBuilder that persists the generated type.
 ProxyGenerator Provides proxy objects for classes and interfaces.

Static Classes


Abstract Classes



 IAttributeDisassembler Provides functionality for disassembling instances of attributes to CustomAttributeBuilder form, during the process of emiting new types by Dynamic Proxy.
 IChangeProxyTarget Exposes means to change target objects of proxies and invocations
 IInterceptor New interface that is going to be used by DynamicProxy 2
 IInterceptorSelector Provides an extension point that allows proxies to choose specific interceptors on a per method basis.
 IInvocation Encapsulates an invocation of a proxied method.
 IProxyBuilder Abstracts the implementation of proxy type construction.
 IProxyGenerationHook Used during the target type inspection process. Implementors have a chance to customize the proxy generation process.