<PackageReference Include="Castle.Core" Version="0.0.1110" />


Namespace with 22 public types


 ConsoleLogger The Logger sending everything to the standard output streams. This is mainly for the cases when you have a utility that does not have a logger to supply.
 DiagnosticsLogger The Logger using standard Diagnostics namespace.
 NullLogFactory NullLogFactory used when logging is turned off.
 NullLogger The Null Logger class. This is useful for implementations where you need to provide a logger to a utility class, but do not want any output from it. It also helps when you have a utility that does not have a logger to supply.
 StreamLogger The Stream Logger class. This class can stream log information to any stream, it is suitable for storing a log file to disk, or to a MemoryStream for testing your components.
 StreamLoggerFactory Creates outputting to files. The name of the file is derived from the log name plus the 'log' extension.
 TraceLogger The TraceLogger sends all logging to the System.Diagnostics.TraceSource built into the .net framework.
 TraceLoggerFactory Used to create the TraceLogger implementation of ILogger interface. See .


 LoggerLevel Supporting Logger levels.

Abstract Classes

 LevelFilteredLogger The Level Filtered Logger class. This is a base class which provides a LogLevel attribute and reroutes all functions into one Log method.


 IContextProperties Interface for Context Properties implementations
 IExtendedLogger Provides an interface that supports and allows the storage and retrieval of Contexts. These are supported in both log4net and NLog.
 IExtendedLoggerFactory Provides a factory that can produce either or classes.
 ILogger Manages logging.
 ILoggerFactory Manages the instantiation of s.